
Discuss care with a diagnosis of a neurological condition

Question 1: Think about patients that you have had the opportunity to care with a diagnosis of a neurological condition. Select any neurological disorder discussed in this module and give a brief overview of the condition. How was the patient mentally and emotionally affected by this diagnosis and what were your priorities as the caregiver?

Question 2: During this week's lesson, we explore what it means to delivery culturally competent nursing care.  For this week's discussion, please complete the Cultural Awareness Assessment Tool using Table 3 (page 51) of the attached article and discuss the following:

i. Share your Cultural Awareness Scale score.

ii. Does your score surprise you?  Why or why not?

iii. What strategies will you use to increase your cultural awareness?  How will this impact the nursing care you provide to your patients and their families?

Question 3: No matter what your area of practice, you will likely have the opportunity to care for veterans during your career. Part of providing quality care to veterans includes being culturally competent in their care. Being culturally competent includes understanding the veteran experience, communication style, potential and actual needs, challenges, expectation and more. Nurses will become competent by asking questions, listening, observing, and studying to become more familiar with the military and veteran experiences.

Culture: Culture is, in the words of E.B. Tylor, "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society" (Taylor, E.B., 1871)

Activity: Please watch the video "15 Things Veteran's Want You to Know" (15 minutes).  Please select one of the items for discussion.

Question: Which of the 15 "things" did you find most interesting to know and why?  How will understanding the veteran culture impact your professional practice in the care of veterans? Please provide a specific example. Want Online Help?

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Other Subject: Discuss care with a diagnosis of a neurological condition
Reference No:- TGS03448263

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