Discuss blood disorders & respiratory system disease

Assignment task:

Pathophysiology Exam 3 Case Studies - Blood Disorders & Respiratory System Disease Select Three of the Five Case Studies to Complete Case Study #1 History of Present Illness: Jeff B. is an 83-year-old male who presents to his PCP complaining of a "strange rhythmic, throbbing sensation in the middle of his abdomen." He has sensed this feeling for the past three days. For the past several weeks he has also experienced deep pain in his lower back that "feels like it is boring into my spine." He describes the pain as persistent but may be relieved by changing position. "I think that I hurt my back lifting some firewood," he explains. The patient has never smoked. Medical History: Triple coronary artery bypass surgery at age 73 History of cluster headache History of PUD History of OA History of psoriasis Recent history of hypercholesterolemia Medications: Celecoxib 200 mg po QD Aspirin 81 mg po QD Clopidogrel 75 mg po QD Simvastatin 20 mg po HS Multivitamin tablet QD Physical Exam: Auscultation of the abdomen revealed a significant bruit over the aorta. Palpation of the abdomen revealed an abnormally wide pulsation of the abdominal aorta with some tender- ness. When questioned, the

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Other Subject: Discuss blood disorders & respiratory system disease
Reference No:- TGS03419891

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