
Discuss bipolar disorder with stress, anxiety and depression


Yes, Sherman can Yes, Sherman can void the deal as he frequently suffers from bipolar disorder with stress, anxiety and depression. The dissent is that Sherman should not move ahead with the business dealings in millions of dollars as he suffers from mental depression problems. He is not able to make the right decisions at the correct time and should inhibit himself from making the wrong decisions during partnerships and business dealings. He even tried to commit suicide so the law states that if a person is mentally incompetent and disturbed then that person should not engage in any form of business dealings. Hence if proved by medical evidence then deals of Sherman can be declared void and null because of mental disturbances and mentally imbalanced behavior. The court can declare the decision of mental incompetence if a physician provides medical evidence that Sherman is mentally disturbed and will not be able to overcome the troubles and problems that he faces in his life. Sherman should be sent to a mental rehabilitation unit till he recovers from the mental illness, depression, stress, and anxiety that he facing in his life. The New York State Law states that if a patient


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