
Discuss best places to work

Discuss the below:

Some people would argue that Google, Netflix, Amazon, Apple, Lincoln Electric, & Wegman's Groceries are among the "Best Places to Work", and are also examples of "World Class" (Most Effective) organizations in their various industries. (Some of these companies are on Fortune's "Best Places to Work" list, but not all of them participate in that survey. https://fortune.com/best-companies/ )

a. Do you agree or disagree that these are "World Class" organizations in their respective industries? WHY?

b. What evidence would you cite to support your evaluation? (Be sure to search beyond the Fortune website.)

c. If somebody had given you 100 shares of each company's stock when you graduated from High School (WOW!!!! #**@$@#$$ CA CHING!) would you be happy with the stock's performance (gain or loss) today. Look up and report what your net gain would have been on each stock. (Note Wegman's Groceries is not publically traded, so you cannot answer that question for them.)

d. How much would you like to work for each of these companies? Use a 1 - 5 scale where 1 = Would dislike this company & 5 = Would very much like to work for this company.

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Other Management: Discuss best places to work
Reference No:- TGS01800780

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