
Discuss benjamin franklin william byrd and john and abigail

Answer the following two questions. Each questions response should be 150 words and use one reference.

  • Discuss Benjamin Franklin, William Byrd, and John and Abigail Adams as representatives of the Enlightenment. How do their writings reveal the shift from a belief in Providence, as can be seen in Jonathan Edwards' sermons, to faith and self-reliance on the individual?
  • Thomas Paine and Phillip Freneau are credited with helping to inspire the Revolution. How and why would their writings have appealed to the average man? How did they advocate the Revolutionary cause?

The following are resources to cite from:

  • "American Literature 1700-1820: Introduction, and Timeline"
  • "William Byrd" and "From The Secret Diary of William Byrd of Westover"
  • "Jonathan Edwards" and "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God"
  • "Benjamin Franklin," "The Way to Wealth," "Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America," and "The Autobiography [Part One]"
  • "John Adams and Abigail Adams" and all letters
  • "Thomas Paine," "Common Sense," and "The Age of Reason"
  • "Thomas Jefferson," "From The Autobiography of Thomas Jefferson," and "From Notes of the State of Virginia"
  • "The Federalist," From The Federalist No. 1 and No. 10
  • "Olaudah Equiano" and "From The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavas Vassa, the African, Written by Himself"
  • "Philip Freneau" and all poetry
  • "Phillis Wheatley" and all poetry


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