The world of doing good. More than 60 million Americans engage in volunteer work efforts. As Winston Churchill said, "We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give".
Part A: Volunteering
Read this article on Volunteering and its Surprising Benefits by HelpGuide Org International and then answer the following prompts.
• Discuss two benefits of volunteer work and reflect on the questions of whether or not volunteer work would be helpful for you in managing your stress?
• What is an action plan you could work on in regards to doing some volunteer work?
Part B: Greater Good Quiz
View the Greater Good Quiz website, find a quiz that you think would be helpful for you in managing your stress, take the quiz, and then answer the following prompts.
• Which quiz did you select? Why?
• What do you learn about yourself after taking the quiz?
• What are some new insights you have learned after taking the quiz as to how you cope with your stress and how you could improve on your stress management?