
Discuss australian digital newspapers in terms of ethics


Description: Essay

Write an essay - using 700 words only for each journal:

Journal 1 - 700 words maximum limit

Various national news paper companies offering yearly subscriptions to their daily digital news papers. This strategy has been adopted by companies in anticipations of future direction and dropping revenues through the traditional paper base news paper publications. In certain sections of the society this service is becoming popular due some obvious reason of the digital economy and the availability of wide range of digital devices in the market.

Your task is to visit some of the Australian newspaper web site and discuss how the innovation component fits within what has been taught in this course.

You will specifically discuss Australian digital newspapers in terms of ethics, security and organizational aspects.

Journal 2 - 700 words maximum limits

Australian digital newspapers may use an ‘app' to provide services. You are asked to visit Australian digital newspapers website sites and check the various options available to users to be able to receive the information on their handheld digital devices and other services.

Once fully comprehended, your task is to analyse technology integration issues and technology management issues provided by Australian digital newspapers app and other opportunities.

You need to highlight advantages and disadvantages as an end user while discussing the above.


You are not required to submit the plagiarism report for the journal. However, you are strongly recommended to check the journals using a plagiarism application (this can be any application that detects plagiarism) and keep the report safely. If the report is found to contain ‘similarities' then you will be awarded with a ‘zero' and automatically referred to the Faculty for further action.

Special Instructions

• You need to upload your essay in pdf file through the link available on the course web site.

• Remember, you need to do TWO reviews, mark the work of other students submitted through peer review system, once you have submitted your own assessment item.

• There is no need to submit this through TURNITIN, but you are still required to have your assessment plagiarism and collusion free.

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Business Law and Ethics: Discuss australian digital newspapers in terms of ethics
Reference No:- TGS03039260

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