
Discuss at least one of the employer contacts that you made

Charlotte Career Fair

Embassy Suites

1917 Ayrsley Town Blvd, Charlotte, NC 28273

To register: https://www.nationalcareerfairs.com/career-fairs/charlotte-career-fairs/

For this activity, you will need to submit a written summary AFTER you participate in the career expo or fair. Your summary needs to be submitted through this Waypoint Assignment link.

For your summary, submit your answers to the following questions:

1. Elaborate on your career goals and discuss a desired entry-level position that you plan to pursue in your field.

2. Identify the career fair that you attended including the date and the total time attended.

3. Discuss at least one of the employer contacts that you made at the career fair.

4. Discuss any UNCP experiences or courses that helped you to prepare for the career fair.

5. What would you do differently to prepare for a career fair in the future?

6. Do you think this career fair helped your progress toward employment?


If your report has absolutely no spelling errors, then you will receive one point.


If your report has absolutely no grammatical errors, then you will receive one point.


If your report has absolutely no punctuation errors, then you will receive one point.

Organization and headings-

If you include headings and your paragraphs are not too long or too short, then you will receive one point.

Word choice and vocabulary-

If you include proper word choices and display an excellent vocabularly, then you will receive one point.

Format - one to two pages, double spaced, in Microsoft Word.

Name the file as follows: your last name, your first name, career fair e.g., Smith, Jim, career fair.

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Dissertation: Discuss at least one of the employer contacts that you made
Reference No:- TGS01672355

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