Discuss-approach to the study of physical geography

Assignment:Weather and Climate System


The physical environment of the Earth is a complex myriad of seemingly discrete variables, e.g. mountains, river valleys, hawks, polar bears, glacial ice, wind, saline ocean water, and on and on and on ... None of the these "separate" environmental entities exists beyond the physical influence of the others. This is the thrust (i.e. INTERACTION) of Berdichevsky's thesis or approach to the study of physical geography. Weather and climate are a part of that study.

Do some additional research (use a physical geography textbook, the Web - a Google search, etc.) to acquaint yourself with the concept of Earth's four geospheres. The Earth's atmosphere is one of these geospheres. Weather and climate are largely (although not entirely) associated with the atmosphere.

In defense of geography

Norman Berdichevsky

Geography is not a static inventory of unrelated facts. It explains and analyses why things are where they are and not somewhere else. Even if we have not personally experienced earthquakes, volcanoes, floods or famines we are all more aware today through television and sophisticated techniques of remote sensing of the changing face of the earth's surface - rivers change their course, mountains rise, coastlines sink, fertile crop land may become exhausted through poor techniques of cultivation and irrigation may make the desert bloom. Geographers should fault themselves for not having tried to make 'chorology' an everyday word. Today, not even scrabble players are familiar with it, yet it is intuitively understood and can help us appreciate analyzing the logic (logos) there is in the concept of place.

Nothing can be understood apart from the place where it occurs. No event, situation, problem in nature or human history has much meaning until it is examined against its geographical background. Geography studies the location, areal extent, distribution, frequency and interaction of all significant elements of the human and physical environment on the earth's surface. They are not just present or absent but found to co-exist in recognizable patterns. They do so not in random unpredictable relationships by accident or coincidence. Their distribution and areal extent, whether it is mineral wealth, traffic flows, good agricultural soils, pollution, health hazards, population growth, or economic development and political alliances, can often be explained and even predicted.

How are weather and climate examples of a system?

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Other Subject: Discuss-approach to the study of physical geography
Reference No:- TGS01898363

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