Write a paper on the Carolina Northern Flying Squirrel conservation plan by the U.S Fish and Wildlife Department. Here it the guidance must follow:
Briefly review the conservation plan to identify the key conservation goals and approaches used. There is no need to read every page of your selected conservation plan since these plans can easily be hundreds of pages in length. Instead, use the table of contents to locate sections that review the conservation goals, approach, methodologies, and evaluation or monitoring.
Evaluate the conservation design approach and plan that includes the following points:
1. Introduction that includes a thesis statement and the complete reference of the conservation plan selected.
2. Provide an overview of the conservation goal, overall management approach, methodologies, and plan.
3. Discuss any unique challenges that the conservation planners faced? How did they address these challenges?
4. Explain which methods are used to conserve the species or habitat. Discuss how managers will evaluate the plan's success.
5. Analyze the plan's strengths and weaknesses? Provide at least one suggestion to improve the plan.
6. Explain whether the conservation plan can benefit from adaptive or adjustive management.