
Discuss any two aspects of this video that surprised you or

Topic: Economics

Detailed Question: This is a film analysis paper, The topic is economics based on the environment. The video link is attached to the instructions that i upload on the file. Just copy and paste the video link onto the URL.

For number 4 I put a list of concepts (they are in bullet points) You only need to choose three concepts.

Answer all 5 questions as best as possible. Like I said earlier, I have attached a file with the instructions of the assignment along with the video link.

Answer all below questions in detail. Answers need to be typed and your completed paper should be 2-4 pages in length. You may need to research outside resources to gain complete information.

Video link :https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_DOTtQZpIA5RGllbkttajNuRnM/view?ts=56d38b53

1. According to the film, approximately how much carbon dioxide is emitted into the atmosphere every year? What is the consequence of this in terms of global temperatures (by how much would the temperatures rise- Give this in Celsius and Fahrenheit)? How much CO2 emission is the average Western FAMILY responsible for?

2. This video calls certain events in climate change as "tipping points." What do they mean by this term? Give at least two examples of a tipping point. How might this affect us living in Southern California?

3. Discuss any two aspects of this video that surprised you or touched you the most.

4. Apply at least two concepts from the chapter on environment (Ch.3) in our textbook to this video. (At the beginning of Ch.3 you will find a section called "Checklist of economic concepts"-please apply any three concepts from here to the film.) First, clearly define the concept and explain with specific references to the movie.

Concepts (only use three):
• Externalities
• Spillover costs and benefits
• Social costs of production
• Over and under-allocation of resources
• Luxury goods
• Marketable pollution permits
• Cost benefit analysis
• Subsidies

5. Lastly, list at least five of the solutions to pollution presented in this video. What are your own comments on these solutions?

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Microeconomics: Discuss any two aspects of this video that surprised you or
Reference No:- TGS01293698

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