Discuss anti-depressant medication in a clinical trial

Problem: There are many different designs used to collect data for research. Two that are frequently used are experimental and non-experimental designs. There is a difference in how the two designs handle variables. In experimental design there is manipulation of the variables that non-experimental design does not allow for that. Using a within study comparison design helps achieve the optimal outcome (Harding et al.,2021).

The testing of a new anti-depressant medication in a clinical trial that is random. The experimental group receives the medication, and the control group gets a placebo.

The control for the experimental research depend on extraneous variables or variables not being investigated but often affect the outcomes of the research. Non experimental research is often used when the variables of interest cannot be controlled or manipulated (Edmonds & Kennedy, 2017). There is a distinct difference in the two designs of research. Those being the ability to control the independent variables. In experimental research there is a lot of manipulation and non-experimental research does not interfere with the natural setting. It is worth noting that non-experimental research can still provide valuable insights, especially when studying complex or sensitive topics where manipulation is not feasible or ethical. Non-experimental designs allow researchers to gain a deeper understanding of phenomena, explore relationships, and generate hypotheses for further investigation.

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