
Discuss and the nature of the buddhas death and your

Answer of the following Critical Thinking Questions. After submitting your answer responds to the answers of at least of the other students. This homework assignment is worth. Make sure to answer all parts of the question.

  • Discuss and the nature of the Buddha's death and your reflections. Why did traditional Buddhists prohibit any images of the Buddha at first? What causes this to change later on?
  • Though Buddhism began in India, it does not stay there long. Why? Also compare in belief, roots and practice.
  • Describe the What makes this concept unique? Discuss the story of Kwan Yin and give your reflections.
  • Answer of the following. After submitting your answer responds to the answers of at least of the other students. This homework assignment is worth.
  • What characteristics make unique from other Buddhist sects? Describe their history and several of their beliefs and rituals that make them different. Then, view the online India Photo Album and give your reflections as to how it relates to the material in this section.
  • Explain who the is and what role he has in Tibetan Buddhism. How is he chosen? Make sure to relate what you saw on the online video interviews. What are his views on politics, religion, and China? Lastly, read the online journal Meeting the Dalai Lama and give a brief reflection.
  • Choose either or Buddhism and describe several of its unique characteristics, beliefs and customs. What makes it different from other forms of Buddhism? Make sure to include your reflections on any videos you watched in the lessons. If you choose Zen, with your response!

Answer ONE of the following Discussion Questions. After submitting your answer respond to the answers of at least one of the other students. This homework assignment is worth 10 points.

  • Reflect on a few of the Taoist beliefs you learned about in the online lessons and videos you watched. How do Taoists view the world, nature, and humanity? What is the difference between religious Taoism and philosophical Taoism?


  • Discuss Shinto, its roots, and several of its beliefs and practices. Make sure to include your reflections on the Dance video you watched.


  • Reflect on Confucianism, its history, beliefs and practices.Briefly compare it to Taoism. How is it different?


  • Read the Travelogues Japan 1,Japan 2, and Japan 3 and view the Japan Photo Album. Then give your reflections of Japanese culture based on the material you've learned in this course.

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History: Discuss and the nature of the buddhas death and your
Reference No:- TGS02323751

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