In Chapter 6, Harrald (2012) stated, "By focusing on doctrine and process, DHS left unresolved major policy questions that would become crucial political issues before the close of 2005" (p. 187).
Discuss and support your response to the following question: "Should we separate organizational responsibilities for mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery" (Harrald, 2012, p. 187)? Is this already done?
Chapter 6 PDF & Unit V Study Guide
Course Textbook
Harrald, J. R. (2012) Emergency management restructured: intended and unintended outcomes of actions taken since 9/11. In C. B. Rubin (Ed.). Emergency management: The American experience 1900-2010 (2nd ed.) (pp. 167-189). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.