Discuss and support why you selected the leadership theory

Homework: Determine a Leadership Approach

Prepare 5 to 7 pages paper (1200 to 1800 words) not including the title and reference pages, explaining the leadership necessary to accomplish business goals and maximize organizational performance, by using the following the checklist:

I. Introduction to a specific business and organizational performance goal that you desire to achieve through leadership.

II. Conduct research on the charismatic, transformational, contingency, and situational leadership theories.

i. Address all four theories.

ii. Focus on the organizational effectiveness aspects of each theory. Example - How does each affect behavior and/or performance in a positive or negative way.

iii. This portion requires the citation of at least one scholarly article.

III. Select two of the four researched leadership theories (charismatic, transformational, contingency, and situational leadership theories) and analyze the ability of each leadership style to accomplish the goals as stated in the introduction.

i. Address each of the TWO theories.

ii. Focus specifically on the theory's ability to achieve the stated goal.

iii. Be sure to use citations to connect the analysis to the research.

IV. Based on your analysis, provide a recommendation for the ONE leadership style that is most appropriate for achieving the business and organizational performance goal that you identified in the introduction.

i. Discuss and support why you selected the leadership theory.

ii. Explain how it will be implemented.

iii. Be sure to use citations to connect the recommendation to the research.

V. The conclusion should briefly summarize the primary points of the paper and provide a call to action that connects to the stated goal from the introduction.

VI. Ensure a substantive integration of appropriate current, and reliable resources, including in-text citations throughout, with a corresponding item on the reference list. A minimum of three viable sources are required (no older than 3 years) and at least one must be a scholarly/peer reviewed source.

Format your homework according to the following formatting requirements:

i) The answer should be typed, using Times New Roman font (size 12), double spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides.

ii) The response also includes a cover page containing the title of the homework, the student's name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.

iii) Also include a reference page. The Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.

The following Course Outcome is assessed in this homework:

i. Explain the leadership necessary to accomplish business goals and maximize organizational performance.

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Business Management: Discuss and support why you selected the leadership theory
Reference No:- TGS03196231

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