
Discuss and explain three types of unprotected speech

Answer the following essay questions for each of those chapters:

Chapter Nine:

1) Discuss and explain three types of unprotected speech

2) Discuss concept and two forms of defamation and it's relationship to the First Amendment

3) Explain whether or not you believe panhandling or begging should always be prohibited

4) Describe two positions of the NRA concerning gun control laws

5) Describe and discuss the "clear and present danger" test

Chapter Ten:

1) Using examples, explain when legal justification for killing may exist

2) Discuss the arguments for and against euthanasia

3) What are the differences between "perfect" and "imperfect" self-defense?

4) Discuss hypothetical circumstances under which "wanton or reckless conduct" might occur.

5) Compare the concepts of "heat of passion" and "cooling of the blood."

Chapter Eleven:

1) Why do you believe elderly abuse is increasing?

2) Discuss the motives for parental kidnapping

3) Compare the differences between "assault" and "battery."

4) Discuss some examples of road rage that you've either read about in your community or that you've witnessed

5) Discuss the causes, potential prevention and eventual punishment of domestic violence


Each response requires a thorough response. One to two sentences will NOT suffice. At a minimum, one full paragraph is required for each question.

Each response must be proofread and edited.

Clearly number your responses and identify the chapters.

Do NOT respond to your work directly into Blackboard. Create a document so that you can go saving each response as you draft it. I suggest creating your work in "Google Docs" through a gmail email account. These documents are saved automatically; as you type they are saved.

This way, should your computer crash or you experience Internet connection issues, you will not lose your work. Excuses regarding loss of assignments will not be accepted since you have been warned on how to prevent that from happening.

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Operation Management: Discuss and explain three types of unprotected speech
Reference No:- TGS02728938

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