
Discuss and evaluate how advances in technology have been

Evaluation of test materials and procedures

In Chapters 7 and 8 of your Psychological Testing and Assessment text, you have been learning about test utility, test development, item analysis, and using tests in a variety of settings and with a variety of test takers. In this assignment, you will apply those concepts to your selected test for the Code's sixth, seventh, and eighth elements.


For this case study:

- Locate a minimum of five resources (a minimum three peer-reviewed journal articles) pertaining to your test's construction, item development, procedures utilized in construction to minimize offensive content, and provisions of modifications and accommodations for test takers.

- You will not be required or need to have a copy of your test to complete this assignment.

- You may use many different types of references and sources to obtain this information about your test. These references may include journal articles, literature reviews, Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY) reviews, reviews, and publisher Web sites.


The body of the case study analysis paper should be a minimum of 5 FULL pages (excluding the title page and references), including the introduction and conclusion. The paper must use New Times Roman 12-point font.

The structure (headings/sections, etc.) of the final version of the paper MUST look EXACTLY like this:

Academic Honesty Statement

Title Page

(Identify the standardized test you selected in Unit 2, and its stated purpose)

Test Items and Format

- Identify type or format of test items.

- Identify formats of the test that are available (including alternate forms, audio, computer, et cetera).

- Identify the types of scores obtained from the test. (Include information about norms.)

- Evaluate and identify or cite positive aspects of test items and formats, directions, answer sheets, and score reports.

- Evaluate and identify or cite negative aspects of test items and formats, directions, answer sheets, and score reports.

- Summarize the quality and appropriateness of the test items and formats, directions, answer sheets, and score reports.
Fair and Appropriate Materials

- Identify or cite positive and negative aspects of test materials that minimize potentially offensive content or language. Explain.

- Identify or cite if the test allows appropriate modifications or accommodations. Explain how or why it does not allow such modifications or accommodations.

- Cite at least one AERA standard for Supporting Documentation for Tests (see Chapter 7 of your Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing text) that are implicated in either the positive or negative aspects of your selected test.
Use of Technology

- Discuss and evaluate how advances in technology have been utilized or incorporated with your selected test to address test items and format.

- Discuss and evaluate how advances in technology have been utilized or incorporate with your selected test to address fair and appropriate materials.

Synthesis of Findings

- Identify any major strengths you identified for your test in terms of test items and materials.

- Identify any weaknesses, even if they are relative, regarding your test in terms of test items and materials.

Conclusions and Recommendations

- Evaluate your selected test based on the strengths and weaknesses, and advantages and disadvantages of the test items, materials, and their appropriateness.

- Make at least three recommendations about improvements that could be considered to improve the test, if applicable. Cite standards (AERA) to support each recommendation.

References page (at least 5; a minimum of three peer-reviewed journal articles among the five)

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Dissertation: Discuss and evaluate how advances in technology have been
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