
Discuss and describe how governmental issues have impacted


Helpful Suggestions

1. Each student must inform the instructor which topic (targeted population) AND theory they are intending to use on the "Sign Up Sheet" within the first THREE WEEKS OF CLASS.

2. Once you have narrowed down a problem you need to select a theory that best addresses how effective it is in dealing with the problem you want to examine. In other words, how effective is this theory in working with this particular population? Why is it effective? What are the anticipated outcomes that can be expected from using this theory with your targeted population?

3. The next step is to conduct a literature review on your problem.

4. Then you need to determine how the theory you have selected is being used with that population in the literature you are researching. This will help you to decide if there is enough information on your problem and on the theory you wish to apply, or it will help you to determine if you need to look at a new problem, or to select a different theory if there is not enough information available through your exhaustive review of the literature.

5. It is expected that once students have spent 20 hours examining the literature that they may want to modify or completely change their targeted population altogether.

6. Students can only modify or select another targeted population if another student has not already selected the same targeted population and the same theory.

7. Therefore, it is important that students constantly monitor the "Sign Up Sheet" to see which topics have already been selected. However, more importantly, you will want to see which theories other students in the class are using, since there can be situations where students are using the same problem but are addressing it with a different theory which is permissible.

8. Students can select any targeted population problem that effects the biological, psychological, and social development issues discussed in the textbook from adolescence to later adulthood in Chapters 9 to 16.

9. Students should choose one targeted population area relevant to human behavior and the social environment from birth to adolescence.

10. The population that you are going to write about should be between the ages of 21 to the end of life.


• The final paper is worth 110 points towards your total grade.

• Your paper MUST be uploaded and submitted as a word document ONLY. It is your responsibility to make sure your professor can open your submitted work.

• Since students have had 12 weeks to work on this assignment this class will NOT ADHERE (FOLLOW) THE SOCIAL WORK DEPARTMENT'S LATE PAPER POLICY.

• No duplicate theories will be allowed to address the same targeted population.

• A "Sign Up Sheet" will be available during class so you can select your topic and your theory.

• Please demonstrate your understanding of key concepts, theories and ideas discussed in the course by applying them throughout your final paper.

• The final paper can be no shorter than 12 pages, no longer than 20 pages in length (excluding title page and references), your narratives must be doubled spaced, and you must use 12 point font. PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT PAPERS LONGER THAN THIS REQUIREMENT BECAUSE THEY WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED!

• Each page must be numbered.

• The title page should have all of the necessary identifying information (For example, title of your work, student's name, course name, date of submission, professor's name, and etc.).

• All sources cited in your final paper should NOT be older than 10 years old. If you are using older sources please explain why in your paper.

• Final papers should have no fewer than six scholarly sources:

1. ONE resource must be from the textbook.

2. ONE social work resource should come from beyond the textbook.

3. TWO resources should fully discuss the theory you are using to address the problem you have selected.

4. TWO resources should talk about the effectiveness or about outcome measures of using the theory you have selected with the population you have identified).

• Final papers MUST use all of the EXACT eleven headings LISTED BELOW so they will be easy to identify. This will allow your instructor to see where one question ends and another begins. This will also make sure that you are given credit for your work. Please do not use an abbreviated version of these eleven headings.


• PLEASE "single space" all of the REQUIRED HEADINGS THROUGHOUT your paper to save space.

• Please define all concepts, theories and acronyms very succinctly and clearly. The use of examples in your final paper is always appreciated.

• Please answer all of the heading questions as if the reader of your paper has no clue what you are talking about. So be sure that the position you are wishing to make is coming across very clearly to your reader.

• For full possible points, final papers must be submitted through Blackboard Learn prior to the due date and time. (See the Social Work Department Grading Policy for details.)

• All papers must have the exact required headings as outlined, be cited correctly according to The American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines, and have a title/reference page when submitted. (Failure to follow any of these requirements will result in a 10% deduction from a student's final grade for each violation up to a maximum of 30 points).

• Failure to follow all of these requirements as outlined above will prevent students from receiving full points.


Please use the wording (exactly as listed below for each question including the parentheses) before you provide your answer in the body of your paper. The content in each part is worth the maximum number of points indicated in the corresponding parentheses. (Please single space all of the required major and subheadings throughout your paper)

1. Provide an introduction.

A. Discuss and describe the relevance of your issue to the Social Work Profession.

A. Discuss and describe why the Social Work Profession is uniquely qualified to address your issue.

A. Discuss and describe which social workers are more likely to work with this population and why?

2. Provide a problem statement.

A. Discuss and describe what the problem is that needs to be addressed.

A. Discuss and describe why it is a problem that needs to be addressed.

A. Discuss and describe how big the problem is that needs to be addressed.

3. Describe a theory you are using to understand the problem statement you have identified.

A. Define and thoroughly describe the theory that you are using.

A. Discuss and describe why you are using this theory with your targeted population.

A. Based upon your exhaustive literature review please describe and illustrate how effective this theory is in addressing the needs of your targeted population.

A. Based upon your exhaustive literature review please describe all of the anticipated outcomes that can be expected from using this theory framework in addressing the needs of your targeted population.

4. Describe human behavior.

A. Define and describe the ABC's of human behavior.

A. Thoroughly describe and illustrate how each of the ABC's of human behavior applies to your targeted population

5. Describe the social environments that are impacting the behaviors of your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how the media has impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how governmental issues have impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how economic issues have impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how geographical issues have impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how healthcare issues have impacted your targeted population.

6. Discuss the diversity issues that are impacting the behaviors of your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how gender issues have impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how ethnicity issues have impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how age issues have impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how spirituality issues have impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how sexual orientation issues have impacted your targeted population.

7. Identify how the theory impacts the behavior on a micro systems level.

A. Define and describe micro level.

A. Discuss and describe how the theory you are using impacts behavior on a micro level.

A. Discuss and describe how biological issues have impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how psychological issues have impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how social issues have impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how cultural issues have impacted your targeted population.

8. Identify how the theory impacts the behavior on a mezzo systems level.

A. Define and describe mezzo level.

A. Discuss and describe how the theory you are using impacts behavior on a mezzo level.

A. Discuss and describe how family issues have impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how group issues have impacted your targeted population.

9. Identify how the theory impacts the behavior on a macro systems level.

A. Define and describe macro level.

A. Discuss and describe how the theory you are using impacts behavior on a macro level.

A. Discuss and describe how community issues have impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how institution issues have impacted your targeted population.

A. Discuss and describe how organization issues have impacted your targeted population.

10. Social work roles and anticipated outcomes.

A. Define and describe four social worker roles you will use to address your targeted population as outlined in Chapter 1.

A. Discuss and describe all of the anticipated outcomes that can be expected from using each of the four social workers roles you have selected.

A. Discuss and describe all of the anticipated outcomes that can be expected from using the theory you have selected with each of the four social work roles.

11. Service learning statement. (As you are researching your topic, please volunteer 4 hours of your time getting involved with an agency or person that serves or represents the targeted population that you have selected. NOTE: Depending on your topic, it MAY NOT be possible to volunteer your time. 2 hours of this time can be used researching agencies that work with the population you have selected. Another 2 hours can be spent interviewing someone who is working with the population that you have selected.)

A. Discuss and describe how you spent your 4 hours.

A. Discuss and describe what you have learned about yourself.

A. Discuss and describe what you have learned about your targeted community.

A. Discuss and describe what values, opinions, and/or beliefs have changed about your targeted community now that your paper is finished.

A. Discuss and describe what the most important lesson you have learned was now that your paper is finished.

A. Discuss and describe what others can do to help your targeted population.

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Dissertation: Discuss and describe how governmental issues have impacted
Reference No:- TGS01377922

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