
Discuss and contribute to the content of the menu and

Assessment task 1: Knowledge questions

Instructions to students

This task will allow you to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of how to provide advice on food and how to design and develop business documentation, which later in the assessment will be a menu. You can research using the internet or your learner guide.


Read all the questions below in class with your colleagues and your trainer and assessor, and provide answers to each question.

Answer guide: This assessment task is to be typed with 2-3 sentences minimum per question unless indicated otherwise i.e. list or select

1.1. You assessor will divide the class into small groups or pairs. Each group/pair will be allocated one (1) of the major food types from the list below, (possibly more if you are in a small class).

You will then be required to research the food type and list the characteristics for each of the bullet points listed.

For your food type choose three (3) of your favourite food type within the group or that you would like to know more about.

The first one is done for you as an example.1.2. In the same groups as for 1.1, research and explain past, current and emerging trends in the Australian food industry and complete the table below the first one has been completed for you as an example
1.3. Define the term "Sensory Evaluation Techniques" to evaluate the menu items.
1.4. Provide the meaning for the following terms.
1.5. List four (4) organisational activities for which knowledge of major food types is required.
1.6. Research and explain specific dietary requirements to be considered for the groups listed in the table below. You may find information at Australian Dietary Guidelines https://www.nhmrc.gov.au/guidelines-publications/n55
1.7. List four (4) business considerations that need to be considered when providing information and advice on food.
1.8. Explain Four (4) formal and/or informal methods of updating your knowledge on food.
1.9. Discuss the key health and legal consequences of failing to address special dietary requirements for customers.
1.10. Prior to designing and developing a business document you must select and use appropriate technology and software applications.

a. To demonstrate that you understand what a business document is, list four (4) examples of business documents below.

b. When producing business documents, it essential to use the correct technology and software. List four (4) examples of technology and software you may use to develop business documents.
c. Prior to developing a business document for a workplace, you must select a layout and style of the document. List four (4) features and/or functions within the software you listed above that allow you to select and change the style of document.
d. Research what is meant by a "style guide.

e. Why is consistency important when developing business documents and how can someone ensure that there is consistency when development business documents.
f. When should you discuss and clarify, format and style of the document and what would you be discussing?

1.11. Refer to your Learner Guide and explain why is "efficient entry of information" important to minimise the chances of information errors when developing a business document? (Guide: 2 sentences or more)
1.12. It is important to understand what input device will be required when developing a business document at a workplace? For each input device, explain how it would be used?
1.13. Manuals, training booklets are business documents used by organisations to train staff. They are also used to assist workers to overcome basic difficulties with document design and production. To demonstrate your understanding of each of the items listed below and how they are used please complete the following table: (Guide: review your Learner Guide and write brief descriptions for each point)

Assessment task 2: Practical Demonstrations - advise customers on menu items
Instructions to students
This task is in two (2) parts.
• Part 1 is a role play and will allow you to demonstrate your ability to advise customers on the menu items you have available and discuss the characteristics of the major food types within your menu. You have already researched these characteristics in task 1.
• Part 2 will allow you to demonstrate your ability to follow sensory evaluation techniques.

Part 2 - Sensory evaluation demonstration

This task will allow you to demonstrate your ability to use sensory evaluation techniques.
There are two options for this task and your assessor will discuss both with the class.
• Option 1 - Each class member brings in a dish to share with the class ideally from their cultural background as this will also extend on each person's knowledge of food.
• Option 2 - the class visits a local eatery and uses sensory evaluation techniques to evaluate the menu items.

You are required to evaluate four (4) foods and report on your findings. For each food type, you need to report on how the food smelt, how it tasted and how it looked visually. Each report needs to be approximately 1 paragraph. Provide the name of the food you were eating.

E.g. Garden Salad - did it smell fresh, could you smell the dressing? Were the ingredients fresh, crispy, over ripe and mushy, could the salad have used salt, dressing? Visually were the ingredients bright and colourful, cleaned and crisp looking?

Assessment task 3: Research Project - Extend and update food knowledge

Instructions to students
This task will allow you to demonstrate your ability to carry out research using current, accurate and relevant information to enable you to extend and update your food knowledge. Source information on current and emerging food service trends and customer preferences.
NOTE: As part of this unit you need to identify customer taste trends based on customer contact and workplace experience (if you do not have access to a customer base or workplace experience you may research using your class group as your customer base).

Your family is opening a new restaurant in Glebe in Sydney.

Individual family members are unsure, at this stage, what type of cuisine they want to serve their

patrons but they want something modern and contemporary that reflects the culture of the area.

You are currently completing your qualifications and are keen to assist them in the new business.

They give you the task of researching the local area for them to assist to Identify the current and emerging food service trends in the Glebe and surrounding area and prepare a report for them.

(your report will need to be a minimum of 250 words)

They want you to address the following points in the report:
• contemporary eating and drinking habits
• cultural and ethnic influence
• major events and festivals
• media influence
• seasonal and popular influences

You can research by using any of these methods:
- attending trade shows and food tastings
- reading general and trade media and supplier information
- reading food reference books, accessing the internet
- taking up membership of associations and industry bodies
- talking to: chefs or cooks
- visit the area and conduct marketing on the different types of food outlets and gather menus
- speak to people about their taste and current food trends (your class group if necessary)

Assessment task 4: Group activity - contribute to menu development

Instructions to students
In this activity, you will be required to use the report, you prepared in Assessment task 3, to decide on what type of cuisine you would like to serve in your restaurant and to develop a menu.

Your class will be divided into groups of 4-5. Each group will conduct a discussion about their findings as if you were all the owners of the new restaurant in Glebe.
You will need to discuss each person's report from assessment task 3 and summarise the findings using the space below.
You will then need to work as a team with your summary to complete the following:
- Discuss and contribute to the content of the menu
- Provide informed input about food trends and menu items to support organisation activities such as types of food to offered.
- Suggest a variety of menu items at different cost points to cater for a wider customer base.
- Provide information on customer feedback and preferences (this will be the information you gathered from your class group acting as customers)
- Nominate a preference of target group that has been identified in the Glebe and surrounding area from your research in assessment task 3.
- Identify the bestselling menu items to contribute to organisational profitability
During the meeting/s take notes and develop a report from your group that addresses the above points. Your report will need to be a minimum of 1 A4 page. You can also attach any supporting documents or materials you think are relevant.

Assessment task 5: Design and develop business documents - Menu
Instructions to students
In this activity, you will be required to use the information you gathered in Task 4 and review the draft of a menu about the restaurant in Glebe.
This activity will be completed in stages to allow you to:
• Review the draft of the menu, and
• Consult with your assessor to ensure your format and style are correct before you continue to produce the final menu
Once you have confirmed and decided on the final product you will be required to produce a Menu "business document" according to organisational requirements.
• One (1) or (2) page menu is adequate it is more important you follow the directions and the style guide.

Other guide is as follows:
• You may call your restaurant anything you like but you must adhere to the style guide below.
• You have 2 hours to complete this task.

Attachment:- Design and develop business documents.rar

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Dissertation: Discuss and contribute to the content of the menu and
Reference No:- TGS02432645

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