
Discuss and agree on a thesis that you would like to

Question: "As well as entertainment, video games can now be used for exercise, education, and training for many types of jobs. People who blame violence and lack of real social contact on video games are simply part of an older generation who do not use or understand them."

Using existing literature and data, critically evaluate this claim in relation to at least 2 of the following areas (or 2 areas approved by your tutor):

• Physical/Mental Health

• Education/Training

• Society

• Business

Task: You will work with a group of 3-5 students to prepare a presentation on a topic related to one of the themes covered in the module: An Electronic World, New Frontiers, The Individual and Society or Choices.

Discuss and agree on a thesis that you would like to present - this is the statement which will form the basis of your argument. The thesis for your presentation must be approved by your module tutor beforehand. Your group should draw on research related to your topic and will need to incorporate visual supports into your presentation (minimum of 7 PowerPoint slides).

You must use the following framework for your presentation:

• An argument in support of ... What you will be assessed individually on:

• The way you deliver your part of the presentation (use of language, presenting techniques etc.).

• The content and structure of your part of the presentation (logical argument + organization of ideas).

• How well you develop your thesis and support it using relevant data and examples.

• The sources used to provide evidence and how well you acknowledge these sources.

• How well you deal with questions from the audience.

• *Your mark may be increased or reduced by up to 5 marks depending on how well you contribute to your group and how well your group works together*

• Further Guidelines:

• Presentations must be between 20 and 25minutes. Allow for each member of the group to speak for five minutes and up to 3 minutes will be allowed for answering questions at the end. Note that if a student speaks for less than 4 minutes they may be awarded a failing grade.

• Each member should develop 2-3 slides for their own part of the presentation

• There should be 1 introductory slide including the group member ID numbers, title of the presentation

• Additional reference slides should be included at the end of the presentation.

• Any sources you use must be acknowledged in your spoken presentation and on slides.

• Please make sure you add references for everything you state.

• References must be academic and Harvard style referencing.

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Dissertation: Discuss and agree on a thesis that you would like to
Reference No:- TGS02811335

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