
Discuss an unemployment rate

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Many times we have seen and heard of statistics being used inappropriately, especially within our government agencies. One particular agency out of the many others had given inappropriate reports on economic conditions based on the unemployment rate in the country. Often times, these reports only include the average number of individuals that are unemployed, the report fails to provide accurate information that reflects the reality.

When the agency reported an unemployment rate of 9.1%, it failed to put into consideration those individuals that are underemployed or living below the poverty level, including all those individuals who have given up looking for jobs, nor the unemployment rates of minority segments of the population, which may be upwards by up to 20%. This is discouraging and disheartening when federal government agencies fail to deliver what it is expected to do to the population it serves, especially when it comes to the provision of vital and accurate data.

Q: The US government is the largest employer in America. It's a good point about the government 20% only including the unemployment and disability payouts. My question is what the "real" total?? 20% does not seem to be a large proportion of the total dollars.

Q: How is our 20% number compared to other countries and if it is, how is it related to population size like China, India, Pakistan, or how it is related to countries that have more social programs i.e., Sweden, Norway


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Basic Statistics: Discuss an unemployment rate
Reference No:- TGS01895835

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