Assigned to a multinational headquarters operating under an international security assistance force (ISAF) in Afghanistan. I need to prepare a discussion paper for the for the Regional Commander, response the two questions with recommendation and justification (4 pages). Include references
1. After 2014, will NATO continue in AFG or is it more likely to shift to a 'Coalition of the willing' and why?
2. What multinational C2 relationship would best suit your chosen scenario and why?
ISAF was created in accordance with the Bonn Conference in December 2001. Afghan opposition leaders attending the conference began the process of reconstructing their country by setting up a new government structure, namely the Afghan Transitional Authority. The concept of an UN-mandated international force to assist the newly established Afghan Transitional Authority was also launched at this occasion to create a secure environment in and around Kabul and support the reconstruction of Afghanistan.
These agreements paved the way for the creation of a three-way partnership between the Af-ghan Transitional Authority, the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), and ISAF.
On 11 August 2003, NATO assumed leadership of the ISAF operation, ending the six-month national rotations. The Alliance became responsible for the command, coordination and planning of the force, including the provision of a force commander and headquarters on the ground in Afghanistan.
In October 2003, the United Nations extended ISAF's mandate to cover the whole of Af-ghanistan (UNSCR 1510), paving the way for an expansion of the mission across the country.