
Discuss alternative theoretical perspectives or concepts

Assignment task:

A group that I have a positive attitude about would be support groups. A support group is a gathering of different individuals facing common issues or challenges. In these groups they are all adults of different ages groups, backgrounds, values, races and cultures. What brings these individuals together is the common problem they're all experiencing. Some of these issues can be drug addiction, parenting issues, mental illnesses, and anger management to name a few. I believe I have an implicit attitude towards support groups because I have been part of these types of support groups that I have fond memories about. These groups help individuals reframe their issues and view things more positively.

A stereotype about support groups can be that the person leading these groups is perfect and all knowing. A lack of confidentiality is also another con about support groups. Another stereotype can be interpersonal conflicts within the group members. This can be understandable since the individuals in this group come from different backgrounds, cultures and values. For example one person can have biases on different races and certain individuals from that race can make a comment or share an opinion that might not sit well with the person who has these biases.

I believe that these support groups have a lot of different situational and social/cultural factors like gender roles and responsibilities, social economic status, family patterns, religious beliefs and values to name a few.

The self-perception theory suggests that individuals share certain aspects of themselves to others and their attitudes or behaviors are determined by others (Ben, 1972). This helps them guide future behaviors.

There are some helpful problem solving heuristics that individuals in these groups can use for example organize information, make a model of the problem or draw it out and restating the problem to make sense to name a few.

Positive attitudes towards these support groups in a more professional setting allows these groups to continue and allow individuals to continue to facilitate these groups to help people with different problems and challenges. I believe there has to be confidentiality, honesty, respect, transparency and openness in order for this group to be successful and so that everyone can benefit from it. 

Feenstra, J. (2020). Social psychology (2nd ed.). Zovio.


Q1. Discuss alternative theoretical perspectives or concepts that might apply to the attitude your peer described.

Q2. Identify additional examples of cognitive processes that contribute to judgment.

Q3. Ask questions that encourage your peer to more fully consider the impact of stereotypes, prejudice, and/or discrimination on his/her behavior or the targeted group.

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Other Subject: Discuss alternative theoretical perspectives or concepts
Reference No:- TGS03423822

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