Assignment Task: Can you help me reply to this discussion?
In responding to your peers, please discuss how advancements in health information technology are making our healthcare system a system focused on safety. Identify one future trend in HIT (Health Information Technology) and include your reference.
I have learned a lot throughout this course. I have really learned the importance of supporting technology in nursing. I have learned that HIT was more than just the medical documentation that nurses and doctors were putting in. Healthcare information technology (HIT) has been defined as "the application of information processing involving both computer hardware and software that deals with the storage, retrieval, sharing, and use of health care information, data, and knowledge for communication and decision making" per Brailer. I also learned that technology is steadily advancing for the safety of our patients and it is our duty as nurses to stay on top of the newest technology in order to be able to serve our patients. I do not feel as though I had any issues with completing my project. My project was on electronic records and at the completion of my project I realized that electronic records have become a staple in the medical and insurance industry. There is substantial evidence that implementing an electronic medical record reduces medical errors and improves patient safety. (Alotaibi &Federico, 2017)
I utilize electronic records daily in my everyday business. I will keep my mind and eyes open to new technologies, but I do not think I will change anything in my current line of business at this time.
- Alotaibi, Y. K., & Federico, F. (2017). The impact of health information technology on patient safety. Saudi medical journal, 38(12), 1173-1180.
- Brailer, D. 2004.The decade of health information technology, Framework for Strategic Action.
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