Discuss accountability and integrity within law enforcement

Problem: As we consider the true purpose and necessity of accountability and integrity within law enforcement, we must also consider how this should be addressed. Most often, officers that are found guilty of deception through internal administrative investigations are cited for termination.

With this in mind, should this be a matter of common response and general public policy?

Should all officers found guilty of deception (lying) be subject to termination?

As you strive to answer the overall question, use the steps below to arrive at your final answers. in route to the last one:

  • It is simple, but is it fair?
  • Is it possible that you could lose some really good personnel who only messed up once in their whole career?
  • What effect will such a drastic measure have on the personnel's families?
  • If you keep them, will it affect the overall credibility of your agency?
  • What conclusion does the writer reach? Why or why not?
  • What policy would you recommend for your chief, sheriff, warden, state police commissioner, and/or any other affiliated executive with whom you may work?

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Other Subject: Discuss accountability and integrity within law enforcement
Reference No:- TGS03414507

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