
Discuss about the very famous entrepreneur

Discuss the below:

Q1. Read the below paragraph and write what you think about it. If possible give any real examples. You can ask the questions if any.

Steve Jobs is a very famous entrepreneur who used his curiosity, vision and intelligence to pursue new possibilities, and he didn't care about the barriers in his way. From the introduction of the first Apple computer in the late 1970s to his "wilderness years" at NeXT and Pixar in the late 1980s and early 1990s to his leadership in developing the iPod, iPhone and iPad during the last 10 years at Apple, Jobs turned his energy to creating new offerings that change people's lives. According to this fact that he was living in Digital Revolution era, he didn't lose any opportunities related to developing product and services. Undoubtedly, the breadth of Jobs' vision steered Apple toward market leadership and a long series of financial home runs.

As he could see the future, 15 years ago, he realized that information Revolution is more important that a fashionable product.
The role of smartphones in the Arab Spring or the Occupy Wall Street protests, we see just how right Jobs was. This is impact, measured in a deep, lasting way. And this is how ultimately Jobs will be remembered. As an entrepreneur, like Henry Ford or perhaps Alexander Graham Bell whose vision expanded both our sense of individual freedom and connection with each one another.

Q2. Read the below paragraph and write what you think about it. If possible give any real examples. You can ask the questions if any.

My manager always tells me to look further and prepare in the long run. He teaches me the process of the supply chain management tasks with details, but he wanted me to create and see the big picture so I could be better in next a few years in a higher position. As to the shared vision, our first vision is stabilizing in controlling our vendors and setting up the long run costs with the vendors, cutting the unnecessary costs. To do so, we need to know how to plan cost reduction in each stage from having them arrange raw materials to delivering the products to customers. When I get used to managing the overall process, I can get closer to the vision that he wanted to taught me. Since end of last year, he tried to teach all those kinds of things via online as well as offline such as a business trip.

Q3. Read the below paragraph and write what you think about it. If possible give any real examples. You can ask the questions if any.

I'm an INFP (personality type), solidly, but there have been times that I free-tested online between N/S and F/T. What that says to me, is that my intelligence at the moment can go up or down depending on how affected I am by my emotions at any point in time. This is why staying calm and being logical is so valuable, especially for me, for figuring things out. I strive to curb emotional reactions and maintain mental clarity, something everybody needs to do when feelings get in the way.

Regardless of your Meyers-Briggs, regardless of nature or nurture, you can teach yourself this way of self-management.

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Business Management: Discuss about the very famous entrepreneur
Reference No:- TGS02037925

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