
Discuss about the theoretical voltage


Your intro should have some background on electric field and how to measure them with voltage differences. It doesn't have to be too mathematical, just some background.

Your data section should include the procedure (in your own words, not the manual's) and all of the relevant equations and ERROR equations or values. If you used some constant value for the error, say how you got it (like the pencil thickness) or say it was given (like the voltage). The electric field error requires you to estimate, so just say a quick thing about how you estimated. I don't care how accurate it is just make sure it makes sense and seems reasonable (science works like that sometimes). You'll also need to describe how you got r_average for investigation 2 and how you would get the error in r (even though you don't use it).

Your analysis section should have all your graphs: 2 graphs for the first investigation and 1 for the second one (just the experimental and theoretical voltage plots). The theoretical voltage plot is obtained by plugging in your r_average values into equation 16.8 (your version might have a different number) and plotting them. Make sure for investigation 1 you say what the intercept AND slopes of the two graphs SHOULD be and why, and then say what they are with error (from the IPL slope calculator). Explain sources of error and why your result is too high/too low. Also discuss the fringe region in Inv. 1 and the assumptions that went into each part (like whether E is constant, etc).

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Physics: Discuss about the theoretical voltage
Reference No:- TGS01951946

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