
Discuss about the public safety budget


Review the Budget Proposal ensures safety of Public, future of law enforcement by J. michael brown

In every budget, there are provisions for labor and capital, which translate into public services. Often, a public safety agency will want to make the argument that they need certain monies put into personnel or into equipment, in order to achieve certain goals for the new fiscal year. Later, we will discuss how performance measures let elected officials know that the agency is achieving an outcome, provided for with budget resources.

Describe at least two linkages, i.e., inputs (money provided for in the budget) and outcomes (the goals to be accomplished) in a public safety agency. Give real examples from your agency (if you work for one), or from research (news or journal articles will provide some help). Be sure to take a look at a public safety budget when developing your answers.

Provide one clear statement (a concise paragraph), as if you were the Chief, convincing elected officials that one of these outcomes is needed, thus justifying the inputs.

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Other Subject: Discuss about the public safety budget
Reference No:- TGS01983418

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