Discuss about the program-osha vpp


Create a 10 page:


What it takes to get OSHA VPP star and the status of the program

A ten page term paper is required on a relevant topic. This must be original work not a duplication of work for another class. A list of pre-approved topics will be provided.

The general rules for all narrative papers are

• MS Word Document format submitted both electronically and in hardcopy; if not in MS Word will be rejected; if you need to convert from MS Works, WordPerfect or other obtain help from

• All such reports are scanned via Turnitin.com for plagiarism

• Format must be 1" margins all around, Times Roman 12 point font, 1.5 lines spacing; use Page


• Do not use "quotes" for emphasis (as shown here). Quoted material is to be a single spaced block, additionally indented one inch, quote marks at start and end of block.

• No more than ½ page of illustration counts to the narrative page count. Excess will not be included in page count.

• No more than ½ page of quoted material counts toward the narrative page count. Excess will not be included in page count.

• Cover and reference citation pages are required but do not count toward the narrative page count

• Pages short will affect score to the nearest half page: e.g. -10 points for ½ page short, etc.

• Improper use may also reduce page count and or score

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Other Management: Discuss about the program-osha vpp
Reference No:- TGS01943384

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