
Discuss about the non-human primate species


This Primate Assignment asks you to gather appropriate information from at least three (3) reputable sources and write a cohesive short report on your chosen topic.

1) Choose your favorite non-human primate species for this short research report. Your choice must be a specific primate species(like Microcebusberthae or Papioursinus), not a general group term like "lemur" or "monkey", or a taxonomic classification like "Haplorrhine" or "Ape".

2) Identify your chosen non-human primate species by its scientific name (genus and species) and its common name in English. Where (in the world) do they live? What do they eat? How do they get their food? How big are they as adults (males and females)? Comment on sexual dimorphism (if any). What is the size of the average group?

3) Discuss the ecology of your chosen non-human primate: the relationship between this particular species and their relationships with each other (social strategies) and with the surrounding environment. How active they are in general? What is their primary social group structure and reproductive strategy? What dangers do they face (predators, for example, each other, maybe?).

4) Finish your report with a brief discussion about the current prospects for continuity of this species in its natural habitat.


Minimum at least twofull pages of text. 2 to 2½ pages is an appropriate length for this assignment. Double-spaced, one-inch margins (check your left and right margins), typed in English, 12-point font.

Include a full source page at the end of your report. Write complete source citations in APA format: author(s) name(s), title of article or book, year of publication, name of journal, magazine, book or website where the article was published, volume, issue and page numbers of publication for every source of information that you used to write this report (three source minimum). This includes websites!

Use grammar befitting of a college student who cares about her/his grade. Spell-check and re-read your paper before submitting it through the submission siteon the website page for this assignment.

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Other Subject: Discuss about the non-human primate species
Reference No:- TGS02089479

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