
Discuss about the nature of the disaster


Select a major U.S. or international disaster and prepare a written analysis not to exceed 8 double-spaced (min. 12 pt. font, 1 inch margins all around), including bibliography. The analysis should include a brief (1 to 2 pages) description of the disaster and the emergency management effort, the nature of the disaster (i.e. natural or technological/man-made); the number of human casualties and amount of property loss; the government(s) having jurisdictional responsibility and involved in the disaster response effort, the involvement of nonprofits and for -profit actors in the response and recovery effort; the major policy issues raised - e.g., lack of mitigation efforts, inadequacy of preparedness, response failures, recovery problems; and what disaster planning the community had done prior to the incident.

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Other Management: Discuss about the nature of the disaster
Reference No:- TGS01868825

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