
Discuss about the life of emile zola


Select a film from the list below for your "Film Review" assignment for PL 203.

1. Au Revoir Les Enfants

2. The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman

3. The Bells of St. Mary's

4. The Crucible

5. Fiddler on the Roof

6. Gettysburg

7. Ghandi

8. The Joy Luck Club

9. Les Miserable

10. The Life of Emile Zola

11. The Mission

12. Schindler's List

13. The Seventh Seal

14. South Pacific

15. Spartacus

16. St.Joan

17. To Kill a Mockingbird  

18. Whale Rider

After viewing the film-one or more times, please indicate the following elements in your review.

1. A brief statement (a half page) synopsizing the story or events portrayed in the film.

2. The religious and/or philosophical question's/issues portrayed in the film .

3. How those questions/issues are "played out" (addressed and/or answered) by the film .

4. How satisfied or dissatisfied you are with the answers the film provides to these questions-together with the reasons for your satisfaction (or dissatisfaction) a half page).

5. The questions the film raises for you and why .

You may view and discuss the film with friends or other members of the class, but the final paper you prepare must be your work and not a group composition.

Format: Your review should be double spaced in MS WORD, with one inch margins all around, name on all pages in either footer or header.

NOTE: This is a change from the date posted in the syllabus.

NOTE: Please note that while your syllabus had indicated a ree pa she numbers above can exceed that, but under no circumstances should your discussion exceed 7 pages.

Attachment:- To Kill a Mockingbird.rar

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Reference No:- TGS01917060

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