Instructions: a solution for the following question. Does the gyroscopic effect of bicycle wheels keep a bicycle stable? Or is stability the result of something else? Your group's solution to this problem needs to address the following, at a minimum:
- How did you determine the answer to the questions? What equations did you need?
- What values did you use for the variables?
- How did you determine those values?
- How does the angular momentum of a bicycle wheel compare to the torque exerted by the rider?
- Discuss how this supports or contradicts what you see in a typical bicycle wheel gyroscope physics demonstration like the one shown in the video to the left.
Writing should show college-level work and be free of grammatical errors and misspelled words. Proper citation of appropriate sources is important to your grade.
Citations or research from non-professional or non-refereed sources, including but not limited to Wikipedia, Ask, and Yahoo! Answers, will not be accepted.
When you submit your the assignment, this paper will be submitted to Turnitin.
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