
Discuss about the energy and environmentalism


Two citations per article and 1 ½ pages per article review.

Go to the Online Library, choose Databases, on the Opposing Viewpoints database. Choose the Energy and Environmentalism category. Within this category, you will review two articles. One should be on global warming, and one should be on the use of fossil fuels. You will find a global warming category and several categories related to fossil fuel use (offshore drilling, energy crisis, foreign oil dependence, fracking, gasoline).

For each article, write a 1 ½ page article review for a total of 3 pages. Each of your reviews should address the following topics:

Discuss the article's premise.

Analyze how the article supports the arguments made by Goreham or the AAAS Science Panel (for the global warming topic) and Weiss or Perry (for the fossil fuels topic).

Discuss the potential vested interests of the author(s) of your chosen article.

Do you agree or disagree with the conclusions of your chosen articles and the policies supported by those conclusions? Why, or why not?

For each review, be sure to reference the article you are reviewing, and include another source to support your review.

You should have a minimum of two references for each article review. Therefore, the APA rules for formatting, in-text citations, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and listing of sources are to be followed. Title page and reference page are not included in the page length requirement.

Articles - Global warming:

Gaffin, S. R. (2002). Global Warming Will Cause Sea Levels to Rise. In J. Haley (Ed.), Opposing Viewpoints. Global Warming.

Shankman, Sabrina, and Bob Berwyn. "Polar Ice Is Disappearing, Setting Off Climate Alarms; Extreme Arctic Melt Is Raising Sea Level RiseThreat; New Estimate Nearly Twice IPCC's."

Articles - fossil fuel use:

Pew Charitable Trusts. "Energy Innovation Needed to Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil, Save Money." Foreign Oil Dependence, edited by Noah Berlatsky, Greenhaven Press, 2016. At Issue.

Weissmann, Jordan. "The United States Cannot Attain Energy Independence." Foreign Oil Dependence, edited by Noah Berlatsky, Greenhaven Press, 2016. At Issue.

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Other Subject: Discuss about the energy and environmentalism
Reference No:- TGS02034771

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