Discuss about the Electronic computer
The first general function programmable electronic computer was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC), built by John V and J. Presper Eckert.
The trends that were encountered during era of first generation computer were as:
- All control of First generation computer was centralized in single CPU and all operations required a direct intervention of CPU.
- Ferrite-core main memory use was started during that time.
- Ideas such as use of index register and virtual memory.
- Input device were punched cards.
- Magnetic drums and magnetic tapes were used as secondary memory.
- Machine language or Binary code was used for programming.
- Towards end due to difficulties encountered in use of machine language as programming language, use of symbolic language that is now called as assembly language started.
- Assembler was a program, that translates assembly language programs to machine language, was made.
- Computer was accessible to only a single programmer at a time (single user environment).
- Advent of Von-Neumann Architecture.