Discuss about the diversity and representativeness


Examine and analyze the following checklist developed by an interagency task force for choosing an organizational structure. From this list, select the criteria that you find to be the best in terms of their relevance and the way they are able to keep administrative agencies accountable to the public for results and transparency.

Evaluate and explain which ones you think are most often in conflict with each other.

Public acceptance


Professional competence

Participation, representativeness, and diversity

Effective databases

Cost and timeliness

Promotion of private efficiency

Accountability to the president

Accountability to Congress

Compatibility with state regulation

Comment on the examples provided by your classmates. Explain in detail your reasons along with your rationale as to why you agree or disagree with them.

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Other Subject: Discuss about the diversity and representativeness
Reference No:- TGS01968404

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