The title of the article is "Can Hate Be Healed: The Difference Between Cultural and Pathological Prejudice."
The article describes two specific stories. In the first a 30 year old Muslim man, who has suffered with bipolar disorder in the past, entered a Jewish Federation office and began shooting people. He killed on woman and wounded five other people. In
the past he had told the people he worked with that he hated Jews.
In the second article an18 year old white man assaulted customers in a gay bar then fought a gun battle with police killing two people and then committing suicide. He hated Jews, blacks and homosexuals and collected Nazi memorabilia. He suffered from severe depression.
The article then goes on to say that there are two different forms of hate. The first is cultural hate. We all are taught hate from an early age and learn it from parents, friends, movies, teachers and television and entertainment. This can be directed toward an ethnic group. Some American are prejudiced against Mexicans and Hispanics and will tell derogatory jokes and stories about them even though they have never known one personally. Other people exhibit hatred toward women.
Some Democrats exhibited hateful speech against Ronald Reagan and some Republicans returned the favor when Bill Clinton came to office. Some sports fans exhibit hatred toward the fans of another sports team. Their hatred is real and vocal and generally directed toward a group rather than a specific individual.