
Discuss about the concept for admissibility of plain

Assignment 1

You are an investigator with the District Attorney's Investigation Team for a major metropolitan area. You are one of the recently hired 16 new investigators that will be sprinkled throughout the department. All 16 of you have had little time as investigators and the Chief's concern is that you all are properly trained in issues of the exclusionary rule to avoid problems later on during investigations. This is a political hot potato because these are supposed to be the best investigators in the jurisdiction. You have already provided an extensive paper to your new fellow investigators and noticed an interest they had in exceptions to the Exclusionary Rule. You have decided to provide a 3-5 page addendum to last week's training to address some of the exceptions.

Include responses to the bulleted issues listed below. It is critical that when you make a statement of fact in your presentation that you cite the reference you obtained the information from in the text of the paper and that the reference is included in your reference page. As always your paper will be submitted in the APA format current edition. No abstract is required as this is a short position paper but a title page, reference page, and appropriate running header with page numbers are necessary.

• Detail the concept for admissibility of plain sight evidence and the legal requirements for the investigator to invoke a plain sight seizure.

• Explain how evidence that would have been found without the questionable search that violates the exclusionary rule could ultimately be admissible as evidence.

• Relate how the court views investigators and realizes that human error will sometimes result in faulty paperwork. Explain how the court allows for such errors in the "Good Faith" principle.

• The student will select two of the three concepts known as dying declaration, the silver platter rule, and exigent circumstance. The student will expound on the meaning of each and why the court believes in such exceptions to constitutional requirements

• The student will articulate the types of situations where it is permissible to lie to a suspect to elicit a confession. What aspects would be allowed by the court and what would be prohibited.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.

Assignment 2

You are an emergency response coordination team leader for your local emergency management agency. You have been notified that the nuclear plant in your area has been damaged, and a substantial amount of dangerous leakage has occurred. You are responsible for creating a plan of action, assembling organizations for response to the nuclear incident, communication among the organizations, and disseminating information amongst citizens.


Address the following in 5-7 pages:

• What state and local agencies or organizations will be directly involved in the response operations for this incident? Explain.

o What will be the roles of each of these entities? Explain.

• Assuming that the plan has already been developed, what is the first course of action that you will need to take? Explain in detail.

• How will you coordinate the various agencies and organizations during the response operations? Explain.

o What types of communication systems will you utilize to ensure effective communications among the stakeholders? Explain.

o Which agency or agencies will be at the top of the chain of command? Why?

• How will you communicate to the affected populations?

o Will you employ the media? Why or why not?

o What types of direct communication would you utilize? Explain.

• What will you do to ensure that ground zero is effectively contained? Explain.

• How will you effectively evacuate the necessary populations? Explain.

o What challenges will exist during your evacuation procedures?

• Why is the creation of a response plan necessary? Explain.

o What significant issues would arise if no emergency response plan were in place? Be specific.

• Be sure to reference all of your sources using APA style.

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Other Subject: Discuss about the concept for admissibility of plain
Reference No:- TGS01972066

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