
Discuss about the competitors customers


For team Digby my production line is Dell this is a low end production and I learned a lot the first week. When it came to R&D I changed a few specifications. Which in actuality hurt me a little bit I went to 3.5 in performance and 16.5 in size. This actually lowered the Age specification for my customers. My customers want a higher age product the ideal age is 7.0. The MTBF is not a major concern for my customer at all it ranks at 7% overall importance to the customer. I increased it to 15500 but the information did not matter to my customers. Whether you increase or decrease the MTBF it does not affect the overall decision for R&D. My age production as of December 31 was at 3.04 this was ok with my customers but the importance of age ranks at 24% importance. For Dell there is no new production that was created because my customers want an older product. I assumed that I had to change every section in the decision page for R&D and in actuality for the Low End statistic this section should not be changed at all. This is something that I should have known because of what my customer are looking for. This is a lesson learned on my part.

In the marketing department I actually lowered the price to $20.50 which actually was a good thing for Dell. My customer's number #1 importance is price it is ranked at 53%. So my customers were so happy with the pricing that I sold out all production and looking at the low end segment analysis the potential was a lot higher than what I actually did. I also increased my promotional and sales budget by 100. The reason for this was to generate more customers which I did but I did not do my forecasting right. I only forecasted sales at 2569 which was extremely low. I assumed that the forecasting was correct but I did not take into consideration certain information from the Capstone Courier. I did not take into consideration how many units were sold last year and actually use that information to my advantage. This is where I went wrong I should have analyzed the information first before making my decisions.

When it came to production for Dell I did purchase machinery to automate the facility the reasoning for this was to make sure that the production was meet. As well as lowering the labor cost. Without automation the labor cost will be a lot higher than without the automation. I went for a 5.0 automation rating the only problem with this is that is does not take effect until the following year. I actually bought 500 capacity was to help with production for the same year. When it came to my production I scheduled 2000 units which were lower than my forecast. My first shift capacity was 1,400 and my second shift production was at 42.9%. This was not bad for the company. I actually could have gone a lot higher for the production phase since I actually ran out of production. This is never a good thing for a company to do because I gave my competitors customers that would have normally bought from me. Under the low end analysis report my actual market share compare to my potential share was not good at all. Looking at the report I was off by almost 10%. What I did was not take into consideration the next year segment growth rate and this hurt the production for Dell.

When it came to the financing for Dell I did not acquire any capital to fund the capital expansion at all. This actually hurt Digby I did not realize that we should have taken out some capital funding to help with the expansions. Looking at the financial summary report Digby had under sales of common stock $5,000. This was a lot for the company to issue for the first week. We did not issue any dividend to our shareholder which was not a bad thing. We did not do any short-term debt or long-term debt. This is what hurt Digby the most overall. The reasoning is because I assumed this would have been a bad idea for the company to do so. In reality it was a mistake in not doing this because we had to do an emergency loan which actually hurt the company. Issuing long term debt or even short debt would have done the company better than not issuing any debt at all. Having an emergency loan hurts worse because this is money that we had to use to try and help the company. We could have managed our debt portfolio better.

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Operation Research: Discuss about the competitors customers
Reference No:- TGS01879065

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