
Discuss about teachers supporting children with disabilities

Case Scenario:

Your director has noticed that many teachers at your preschool are anxious about having children with disabilities, and circle time has been a particular challenge for many teachers supporting children with disabilities at your school.  The director knows you are taking this class and wants you to discuss teaching strategies for this specific activity.

Choose one disability, which you will also use to research for your topic presentation (due in a few weeks).  Create at least 2 strategies the classroom teacher can use to help support children with this disability during circle time. Describe clearly the strategies, how they should be used, and how they will be helpful. You may include visual resources, but you must describe the two strategies. Need Online Tutoring?

You may choose whether to present the information in a hand-out OR a paper. Give evidence from the chapter supporting information in your handout or paper (with APA  in-text citations). The evidence you use can be a direct or paraphrased quote or study from the text, but it must be cited in the text AND include an APA References page at the end for the source(s) used.  You want your fellow teachers to know your ideas are supported by evidence and/or other professionals in the field!

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Other Subject: Discuss about teachers supporting children with disabilities
Reference No:- TGS03448787

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