
Discuss about social security and policy change


Given the likelihood of more policy change or reform for social security in the future, what policies out of the four below do you feel are important in evaluating this? Explain and support your reasoning for selecting the particular policy issues.

1). Linear change = Involves the direct replacement of one policy by another, or the simple change of an existing policy. For example, the replacement of the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act by Job Training and Partnership Act is an example of linear policy change.

2). Consolidation = Some policy changes involve merging previous polices into a new single policy. For example, the rolling together of several health and welfare programs into just a few programs is an example of consolidation.

3). Splitting = Some agencies (and hence eventual policies from these agencies) are split into two or more individual components. For example, the Atomic Energy Commission was split into the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and the Energy Research and Development Administration of regulation and support of nuclear energy that had existed in the earlier organization of the AEC.

4). Nonlinear = Some policy changes are complex and involve elements of other kinds of changes. The complex changes involved in creating the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families programs from the preexisting Aid for Dependent Children programs is an example of nonlinear changes.


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Other Subject: Discuss about social security and policy change
Reference No:- TGS01907062

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