Paper needs to be about " Should you scan a QR code? What dangers are there when scanning a QR code?"
Abstract should be between 150 to 250 words
Select A4 size; page orientation should be portrait. Specify "1" margin on all sides.
Number all pages consecutively. Start every chapter on a new page.
Provide double spacing
You should use Times New Roman Font- "12" for text and "10" for footnotes. Use a larger font size for section headings.
Word count of between 1500 to 4000.
a. Title Page
b. Table of Contents
c. Abstract(Optional)
d. Introduction and background
Body of the report
e. Problem statement
f. Objectives of the project
g. Technical walk through including screenshots
h. Methodology adopted (optional)
i. Results - project findings
j. Recommendations
k. Conclusion
l. Bibliography
m. Appendix (Optional)
n. List of figures and tables(optional)
o. Index words (optional)
Be clear and precise. Express your ideas in a logical way.
The introduction should provide the overview of the topic and highlight its significance
How it affects others in related to web application security, wireless security, cloud security or IoT security.