
Discuss about peculiar political history of united italy


PART ONE - ANSWER in one-two paragraphs?

We have learned about the peculiar political history of united Italy. From monarchy to fascism to democracy, we have learned about some constants of Italian politics: ideological flexibility, strange alliances, constant movement of political fault lines, and so forth.

If you had to summarize Italian political culture since 1870 in one - two paragraphs, what would you say?


USE the Title for EACH Response:

1. " How To Describe Italy 414?

Chaotic would definitely be the best way to describe Italy since the late 1800's. Italy's land was mostly used as a battlefield even though they were extremely weak at fighting. Italy also experienced different people captivating power such as, Giuseppe Mazzini, Pius IX, and Benito Mussolini, which caused the forms of government to adjust each time. Most Italians were illiterate and had no idea of effectively communicating what they thought should happen next politically, which eventually affected them negatively, especially when Mussolini's power grew rapidly. After World War II, Italy finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel when the fashion industry had its spark, along with the ability to trade internationally. Thankfully, Italy has become an economy that is extremely diverse and economically stable.

2. " Since 1870 -413

Unstable government. Not only did the unification, as it occurred under the control of a narrow Piedmontese elite, enjoy little support among the nationalists, but it also was opposed by the Church. Most Italians could not speak the Italian language let alone write it.The Liberal state felt it could not give too much power away to instituitions over which it did not have control. Thus the police were often used for political purposes. The first World War, Italy was in no shape to fight a war. nationalist began to take hold after 1914, this lead down the road to Mussolini. After WW2 Italy experience a financial miracle. Italy today has a diversified industrial economy. The country is divided by an industrial north held by private companies, and a less developed government dependent south with high unemployment.

3. " Since 1870

Corruption is the word that first comes to mind. Money hampered the newly unified country of Italy. With an increasing early national debt that could not fund public projects alongside an increasing population, yearnings of socialism began to stir. While a parliamentary system was established, corruption reigned supreme under the leadership of Depretis, Crispi and Giolitti before World War I. Issues between power regarding the new state of Italy and the Catholic Church plagued the country, with the Pope banning Italian Catholics from being in Italian politics until the early 1900s (as seen in Gilmour's "Rome and Parliament" section). Many potentially qualified people that could have steered Italy into more prosperity were dismissed because of their Catholic status. The Italian government attempted to appease the Pope (who did not want unification) by giving him authority over the Vatican and allowing him to talk to other world leaders. The conflict between the secular authority and the Catholic Church harmed the beginnings of politics in Italy. Joining the Triple Alliance in World War I would prove to change Italian political culture as Italy did not receive what the Allies promised them. Civil discord and discontent among laborers led to disorder, bringing Mussolini in as a champion of the worker and implementing fascism. Italy would continue in a fascist state until a regime change after World War II, where a friendly republican government was put into place to Western Allies that combatted communist ideas from permeating throughout the top of Italian government. Italy still looked toward some socialist tendencies after World War II, and the Communist Party made some progress throughout the Cold War years - typically on municipal levels with improving infrastructure. The Red Brigades and terrorist organizations followed political turmoil in the 1970s. Corruption continued to plague Italy into the 1990s, and emphasis on social programs and improvements have been on the forefront of Italian politics since. It certainly seems a country full of turmoil and upheaval politically.

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History: Discuss about peculiar political history of united italy
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