
Discuss about musk critical thinking ability

Assignment task: Elon Musk, the world's richest man is capable of running multiple companies, not by multitasking nor by task-switching, but by pure focus on one at a time, an efficient way to uplift productivity. "This is what Elon Musk did the day he bought Twitter. It's an amazing lesson in productivity." (April 29, 2022) by Justin Barisso, a publisher for Fastcompany, states some information of Elon Musk, the wealthiest man alive. The work has excellent usage of examples and has utilized information from people close to Musk. the author has done incredibly well to satisfy the audience and to make his point clear, productivity is inversely proportional to the task at hand.

Firstly, carrying out examples throughout the essay to convey his message crisp and clear is the backbone of the work. He uses appropriate cases to demonstrate that Elon Musk is capable of handling various tasks with efficiency. Justin Bariso (April 29, 2022) uses example to begin his writing, stating Elon Musk, being on two other important meetings, Indonesia's minister and SpaceX engineers, on the same day he bought Twitter (para 2). Comparing multi-tasking with basketball player, dribbling a ball on one hand, throwing and catching the ball on the other, at the same time (para 9). A bad example for multitasking is mentioned, that is, assuming Musk taking a call about Twitter while having a meeting in SpaceX(para 18).

Secondly, taking comments from Musk's colleague, staff, other close people and books, utilizing it very effectively throughout the essay has been extremely remarkable. Walter Isaacson, who works on Elon Musk's biography, thinks that Musk is multitasking, but the author claims it wrong. Instead he corrects it with 'pure focus' (para 3,4). Task-switching needs a high level of consciousness, can reduce speed and increase errors, Bariso referred encyclopedia, surely did his homework well (para 10). Bariso uses Garett Reisman's words, a senior engineer in SpaceX, to signify how well Musk can control various fields, from software to welding, and his ability to go back and forth (para 20).

In the article, the author discloses about the day of Elon Musk's Twitter deal, which insights into how Musk runs multiple projects and companies. Neither, multi-tasking, an act of splitting attention on more than one task or activity at the same time, nor task-switching, the ability to unconsciously shift attention between tasks, are used by Musk, instead he uses pure focus, fully concentrating on the task at hand, according to Bariso, the narrator and Walter Isaacson, who works on the biography of Elon Musk. Separating each piece of work and providing time accordingly, aids Musk's critical thinking ability and problem solving skills, a great example for productivity at the foremost.

Explain with a paragraph by giving comments on peer's draft. Please focus on these two points:

- What strengths did you find in your peer's essay?

- What opportunities for improvement do you see?

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