
Discuss about modern climate issues

Essay: Evolution of orogenic belts, climate change

Writing an essay on two of the following, but can't decide which. Also - I need detailed explanations in layman's terms, while showing me how to use appropriate scientific language when describing the events -

1. Paleogeography: Changing paleogeography, both globally ("Dance of the Continents") and for North America.

2. Evolution of orogenic belts (mobile belts), their role in changing continental geographies and the plate tectonic actions responsible.

4. Climate: The events and patterns of climate change and their possible explanations especially those that shed light on the modern climate issues.

My essay has to examine the evolution of the features included in the themes, and will relate events and features of your my chosen themes to one another. If you could show me what this would look like in 1 to 2 pages, that would be great.


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Other Subject: Discuss about modern climate issues
Reference No:- TGS01898596

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