Assignment task: Policy Analysis
Introduction: State Representative Joey Hood (Mississippi District 35) is the chairman of the Mississippi State House of Representatives Medicaid Committee. In 2022, the House let a measure die without a vote that would have allowed pregnant women who already qualify for Medicaid to get healthcare for an additional 10 months after childbirth. This bill is again up for debate in 2025.
There is little debate to be had about the merits of expanding Medicaid in Mississippi. However, there are competing viewpoints as to whether the best option is to fully expand Medicaid as allowed under the Affordable Care Act or to expand particular benefits for unique populations (like the postpartum bill). Representative Hood has asked you to write a policy analysis on this issue. Need Assignment Help?
Sections: Must be 5 pages minimum- section page amounts are suggestions
1. Problem Identification (1 sentence)
a. How should Medicaid be expanded in the state of Mississippi?
2. Background (~1 page)
a. Informs the reader why this particular problem has been chosen for analysis
3. Landscape (~3 pages)
a. Provides the overall context for the analysis, organized by key factors
4. Options (~1.5 pages)
a. State the two options (fully expand Medicaid or only expand particular benefits for unique populations) and give the positive and negative aspects of each
5. Recommendation (~0.5 pages)
a. Choose one of your options as your recommendation and state why it is favored over the other option
Policy Analysis Format:
- No title, heading, or title page needed- just begin with your problem question
- Bolded section titles
- 5 pages of content (minimum, can be more) + reference page(s)
- Double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 pt. Times New Roman font
- Can include tables if that helps to organize your thoughts
Other Notes:
- Read and use Ch. 14 in your textbook, which outlines how to write a policy analysis
- All information should include an in-text citation and a mention on your reference page, cited in APA style
o Can reference scholarly articles, news articles, and reputable government, health, or non-profit agencies
- Avoid direct quotations from references- paraphrase and cite
o Your policy analysis will be run through SafeAssign to check for plagiarism- a SafeAssign score of more than 20% will receive an automatic zero
Below are some articles that provide context to this issue. I recommend reading these before beginning your own research:
- Article: Q&A: What is Medicaid expansion, really? By Mississippi Today
- Article: Every Medicaid expansion bill dies without debate or vote by Bobby Harrison
- Article: This man could save the lives of countless Mississippi mothers by Adam Ganucheau
- Article: Here's what experts say about expanding Medicaid in Mississippi by Geoff Pender and Bobby Harrison
- Article: Poll: 80% of Mississippians favor Medicaid expansion by Geoff Pender
- Article: Who's opposed to Mississippi Medicaid expansion and why? by Geoff Pender
- Article: State economist refutes politicians' claim that Mississippi cannot afford Medicaid expansion by Adam Ganucheau
- Article: It makes it hard to work': The real cost of not expanding Medicaid in Mississippi by Kate Royals