Discuss about intergovernmental organizations


Culminating Activity

For the culminating activity, you are to choose 1 of the following topics listed below, however you are not limited to any of the examples provided for each topic. You will research your chosen topic and will write an expository essay (an essay that is informative and presents a balanced analysis of the topic). You will need to define the topic, using facts, statistics, and examples. Your essay should be 500 words in length (2 pages maximum). It should have clear citations using APA style. You will need to research using resources from books, including texts, magazines articles, and newspaper articles, and the internet.

In addition to you essay, you will need to create a presentation of your topic. Your presentation should be at around 10 minutes in length, including a question and answer period after your presentation. Remember to include visuals such as charts, graphs, pictures and a map (if necessary) and try not to read your presentation.

The topics:

• Fair Trade

  • World Fair Trade Organization
  • Fair Trade Canada
  • Fair Trade International

• International Economic Activities

• These would include such things as child labour, environmental degradation, human rights violations, copyright violations, poor working conditions, etc.

• Intergovernmental Organizations

• These would include UNESCO, UNIFEM, United Nations Development Programme, World Health Organization, International Monetary fund, World Bank, etc.

Global Economic Disparities

• These would include such things as illiteracy, gender inequality, lack of natural resources, private control or ownership of natural resources, lack of infrastructure, lack of access to markets in developed countries, imbalance of power, high infant and maternal mortality rates, lower life expectancy, homelessness or substandard housing, lack of access to education and health care, hunger, social conflict, etc.

• Social Movements and Social Justice Organizations

• Global Economic Inequality

• These would include Make Poverty History, the International labour Organization, the Third World Network, Greenpeace, etc.

• International Events

o Hurricanes Katrina
o Hurricane Sandy
o War on Terrorism

Things to complete:

1. Submit your topic and provide a brief introduction into why you chose the topic.

2. Submit an annotated bibliography of at least 3 sources, 1 must be a book.

3. Submit your thesis statement, including the introduction and conclusion paragraphs.

4. Submit your full complete essay.

5. Presentation.

Learning Objectives:

• formulate different types of questions to guide investigations into current national and global economic issues.

• Select and organize relevant data, evidence, and information on current Canadian and international economic issues using a variety of primary and secondary sources, ensuring that their resources reflect a range of perspectives.

• Assess the credibility of sources, data, evidence, and information relevant to their investigations.

• Use the concepts of economic thinking when analyzing and evaluating data, evidence, and information and formulating conclusions and/or judgements about current Canadian and international economic issues.

• Communicate their ideas, arguments, and conclusions using various formats and styles, as appropriate for the audience and purpose.

• Use accepted forms of documentation to reference different types of sources.

• Use appropriate terminology when communicating the results of their investigations.

• Apply the concepts of economic thinking when analyzing current event involving economic issues in order to enhance their understanding of these events and their role as informed citizens.

• Describe ways in which individuals and groups attempt to address problems related to international economic activities and assess their effectiveness.

• Analyse data on global economic disparities and explain the main causes and effects of economic marginalization.

• Assess responses to economic disparity by various intergovernmental organizations.

• Explain how various social movements and social justice organizations address global economic inequality, and assess their effectiveness.

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Microeconomics: Discuss about intergovernmental organizations
Reference No:- TGS02029875

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