Discussion Topic: Ethical Considerations in Research
Refer to Creswell (2014): Research Design pg. 102 Question . Additionally, propose another ethical dilemma (different from those presented in the Creswell text and related to your area of research interest)(Learning & Development in Corporations)
0 Consider one of the following ethical dilemmas that may face a researcher. Describe ways you might anticipate the problem and actively address it in your research proposal.
a. A prisoner you are interviewing tells you about a potential breakout at the prison that night. What do you do?
b. A researcher on your team copies sentences from anotbecrt study and incorporates them into the final written repo for your project. What do you do?
c. A student collects data for a project from several individuals inter interviewed in families in your city. After the fourth 'bee rect.; the student tells you that approval has n°:102 ved for the project from the IRB. What will You Describe ways you might anticipate the problem and actively address it in your research proposal.
• Your initial post (approximately 200 to 250 words) should address each question in the discussion directions.