
Discuss about curriculum design and development


Write an 8-page, excluding title and reference pages, research-based paper in current APA format that focuses on the topic of curriculum design and development. The topic must address at least two prominent curriculum theorists' positions and the candidate's stance for or against the curriculum models. In addition, integrate your own biblical worldview and its place within curriculum design and development. The paper must include at least 6 references in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible.

The paper must be formatted in current APA formatand follow the specific guidelines described below. Be sure to review the grading rubric to improve the quality of your paper.

From the list below, choose two or more prominent theorist syou would like to discuss and analyze (you may select other theorists outside this list). You must use your course materials and the Jerry Falwell Library to research and provide content on your theorists:

• John Dewey

• Franklin Bobbitt

• Werret Charters

• William Kilpatrick

• Harold Rugg

• Hollis Caswell

• Ralph Tyler

• Hilda Taba

• David Tripp

• Ivor Goodson

• Lynn Erickson

• Carol Ann Tomlinson

• Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe

Follow these guidelines in your paper:

1. Organize your writing by theorist using the following headings:

a. Theorist (discuss background information)
b. Theory/Design Principles (name of theory/design, what it involves, and why it was developed)
c. Contribution (how did this theory/design add to or change curriculum at that time)
d. Impact (how did this change the field of education)
e. Analysis (what is your position concerning this curriculum model and how would a Christian educator approach it)

2. Format your paper in current APA style and follow scholarly writing standards.

a. Do not use first-person perspective.
b. Use double-spacing in the paper.
c. You do not need to include an abstract.
d. Use internal citations.(Any in-text citations must have corresponding references in the reference list.)
e. Include a properly cited reference list. Some reminders:

i. Cite references from the various materials from the course (and any other references) that support your choice of principles.

ii. References must have corresponding in-text citations.

3. Do not write less than 8 pages. Page limit does not include the title page or references.Quality, not volume, is required.

4. Thoroughly edit your paper for correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, clear sentence structure, and precise word choice.

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Business Law and Ethics: Discuss about curriculum design and development
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