Problem: Complementary and alternative medicine are medicines and health practices that are not mostly used by doctors to treat cancer. Complementary medicine, this is used in addition to standard treatments and alternative medicine is used instead of standard treatments. Some of the practices include massage, acupuncture, tai chi and drinking green tea. Cancer patients may use this so that it can help them cope with the side effects of cancer treatments like nausea, pain and fatigue and also can help them to comfort themselves and ease the worries of cancer treatment and related stress. Nurses should be aware that alternative therapies are not free from risks and contraindication and many of these therapies interact with conventional medications or treatments may pose risks to patient health. Nurses should also be aware of the restrictions on how these therapies should be used, even on otherwise healthy patients like some important oils can slow the breathing in infants and others can cause someone who does not typically burn to get a sunburn. Looking for Assignment Help?